All the goodness of our Bread!
Like in the old days, just three simple ingredients come together to make of Grande Impero a good and authentic bread. Indeed, the whole process is centred solely around excellent raw ingredients: flour obtained from the most select grains, water and salt of Sicily derived from a healthy and ethical production chain.

the secret behind our success is simplicity

The Starter Dough from which Grande Impero bread is created from the simplicity of ancient traditions. Its 10 years’ worth of aging alone is enough to trigger the dough’s natural leavening process, which lasts for over 30 hours: once mixed, the dough rests inside the “mattera” (bread chest) in order to develop all the characteristics that will make it an authentic and healthy high-quality bread with a sublime flavour.
Although similar in appearance to its “brothers”, each loaf has a unique shape as it is “shaped” by hand by the bakers. This is because no machine could ever replace the warmth of the bakers’ hands that helps make Grande Impero bread authentic and true.

Why choose Grande Impero bread
Buying fresh bread is not as easy as you might think: although it almost always comes in transparent packaging, you actually never know how it will taste until you eat it. And it can be different every time! Even the smallest differences in cooking times, temperature or, once again, leavening times mean that each batch may have a different flavour. We should not forget, then, that bread is the most common food, the food par excellence, but also the one that carries the most symbolic meaning.
So then, out of the 280-plus types of bread in Italy, why choose Grande Impero?

Each strand, although apparently similar to the others, has a unique shape as "finished by hand".

Pasta Madre
Ours is a bread of sourdough. It is free from added yeasts, making it ideal for people with intolerances. Our Pasta Madre over ten years has been chosen to be kept in the most important international library (Saint Vith - Belgium).

Selected Grains
We use only Italian grains and flours, and we adopt ancient techniques to offer our consumers the "bread of the past".

We make our bread more digestible by using natural ingredients. We do not use preservatives or artificial flavors.

It is the only bread certified in Italy by the Libera Università di Bolzano and the Università di Bari Aldo Moro as bread obtained with the exclusive use of sourdough and a natural leavening process.